Sous tritre

samedi 9 octobre 2010

FBI seizes Lennon fingerprint card from an auction house In Manhattan

 (The FBI has seized a set of John Lennon’s fingerprints from a Manhattan memorabilia shop)
John Lennon's application for a permanent US Visa & residence was seized by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)  a few days ago, in a "raid" on a Famous New York auction house. The 1976 immigration document, which included Lennon's signature and all his fingerprints, was expected to sell for at least $100,000, according to the Auction dealer. A similar document was sold for 4K a decade ago,without protest from the US government. The FBI accuse the dealer of stealing this document and trying to make money out of it. 

According to The BBC : "An FBI official told the BBC the bureau believed the card was government property and was investigating how it landed in private hands"
 The Auction House spokesman said that Lennon had made and autographed an extra copy for a policeman, so the piece sold then was not an official document. It seems a little bit strange. Why would john lennon give a copy to a policeman. Did the policeman sell his visa to a dealer ? To be continued.....

Next month, the Ex-Beatle  John lennon would have celebrated his 70th Birthday...

vendredi 8 octobre 2010

Arizona State University Student Loses her Scholarship After Starring in the Porn Industry

According to : 
parts of this story are a hoax: no letter was sent sent to the Board of Regents and Hawkenson hasn't lost her scholarship. Hawksenson tells the media that the video was supposed to only appear on the original Casting Couch website. (Obviously, she does not know how internet porn works.) The stunt could be the work of producers of the video itself, who probably have no shame when it comes to publicity.

Meet Elizabeth Hawkenson. She's just your everyday girl-next-door /Arizona State University undergrad with an interest in geography and liberal arts. But all is not as it seems, for today, Hawkenson is making headlines after allegedly starring in an Internet porn video. Her involvement in the adult film caused her to lose a $32,000 scholarship.

The clip, produced by Backroom Casting Couch and hosted by PornHub, shows Hawkenson flashing her student I.D. for the cameras to prove she was over the age of 18. From there, it was only a matter of Googling Hawkenson's name to find 
she had been awarded a large scholarshipas a New American University Scholar
We assume that a jealous student want revenge or somebody from  4chan was so "shocked" by the freshman's behavior that they sent a letter to the Board of Regents demanding they take back Elizabeth Hawkenson  32.000$ grant."

Here is the famous letter :
Arizona Board of Regents
2020 N. Central Avenue
Suite 230
Phoenix, AZ 85004-4593
RE: Elizabeth A. Hawkenson (Copperas Cove, Texas), 2010 ASU Freshman Class
Distinguished Regents,
I am writing to express my shock and horror at the public conduct of a member of Arizona State University's 2010 freshman class, Elizabeth A. Hawkenson of Copperas Cove, Texas. This person recently appeared in an internet video in which she identified herself by name, showed her ASU student ID card, then proceeded to engage in explicit and degrading sexual activities with a stranger. She was paid for the act and signed a waiver allowing the video to be posted on the internet.
As an ASU alumnus, I object to Ms. Hawkenson's choice to identify herself as an ASU student in a pornographic video that is available to the general public. I feel that which clearly violates the ASU Student Code of Conduct.
On behalf of my fellow ASU alumni, I demand that Ms. Hawkenson's $32,000 New American Scholar Award be revoked immediately. A young woman who brings shame on her university in such a public and degrading way does not deserve the financial support of that university.
Yours Sincerely,
Anonymous ASU Alumnus

Puppy ownage

Where is my Bike (macho)

Jessica Kastrop gets a Headshot live ! Ownage

Stewards dancing to Lady Gaga & Katy Perry

Wedding Fail!! Dog Urinates On Bride!.

Fat kid jumps into a frozen lake :s

I'm Falling in the rain !

Owned by coffee

Candle + Hair = Fail

New Bikes suck !

Legen...wait..Dary tattoo

Your Wife is Legen...wait...Dary

When Homeless people go Funny

Cricket Ninja

Nothing to say... This is an ownage

Dont you hate surprise parties ?